
Last Sunday we made this tiramisu which was light and delicious!


For the sponge:

200g plain flour
250ml soya milk
140g sugar
1 sachet baking powder

For the cream:
500g firm silken tofu
 (like this one)
500ml very strong decaf coffee
300ml soya whipping cream (this)

100g sugar

cocoa powder

shavings of dark chocolate

a pinch of turmeric

1. first off make the sponge. sift the flour in a large bowl, add the baking powder and sugar, then stir in the soya milk little by little and whisk the batter until it’s smooth
2. grease and flour a 22cm cake tin, pour in half of the batter (this means you don’t have to worry about cutting the sponge with a knife and messing it up) and bake for about 20 mins at 200C or until a toothpick comes out clean. repeat with the second half and set the cakes aside to cool down, then soak them in the coffee and make sure they are extremely wet. don’t soak them right after taking them out of the oven as they will fall apart!
3. liquidise the tofu with the sugar and curcuma
4. whip the cream for about 5 minutes, slowly add the tofu mixture to it and put in the fridge for a couple of hours to firm up
5. now the fun part, assembling everything together! take the first layer of cake, spread cream on it, then sprinkle some of the cocoa powder and do the same with the second layer of cake, but add the shaved chocolate on top of it.

10 risposte a "Tiramisu"

  1. Christina

    Ma dai! What a work of art 😀

    Dovrei assolutamente preparare questa bellissima tiramisu’ e portarla dai nonni, che sapranno bene che è vegan (perché sanno che “non posso” mangiare la tiramisu’ “normale”) ma comunque la mangeranno 😀 Bravo!!!!

    • aX

      hey quanto tempo! grazie per essere passata di qua 🙂
      ho fatto un giro sul tuo blog e ho visto che hai fatto anche tu una poutine con la mozzarella di cheezly!

      • Christina
          Infatti, quanto tempo 🙂 Si’, l’ho fatta la poutine con il Cheezly! Grazie per ricordarmelo. L’avevo vista sul blog della signora da cui ho comprato la mozzarella di Cheezly, ma hai ragione tu che l’ho vista prima qui. Siete tutti e due dei geni 😀

          A presto e grazie di aver fatto un giro sul mio blog. 🙂

    • aX

      il silken tofu lo trovi da vinh loi a berlino, prendi quello nella scatola blu, costa 80c se nn ricordo male 🙂
      buona fortuna e fammi sapere com’è andata!

  2. kinga

    hey alessio,
    this is kinga i just want to ask you where do you get all these vegan ingredients from..such as vegan margarin etc.
    i loved the cakes yesterday

    • aX

      hey you, great to hear you loved the cakes!
      vegan ingredients are extremely easy to find in the supermarkets these days. most big ones do vegan margarines (the brand “pure” makes only vegan ones) otherwise holland and barrett, but it can be more expensive for certain things.. likewise for health food shops too.
      if you need any advice to hunt down ingredients let me know and i’ll be glad to help out!

      • kinga

        thanks for the response!
        i usually use soy margarine,but i am not sure if it is good for cakes… i’m worried that the soy would start to ‘separate’ in high temperature,you probably know that soy separates in coffee or tea if the water is too hot and that is just not very nice taste wise and aesthetically either…well well there are some other stuff like egg replacer etc which i have no idea about….anyway i will drop by very soon then you can lecture me a bit on those magical ingredients!
        later alessio!
        thank you!

      • aX

        actually i only ever use margarine in the icing i make for cakes, for the actual cakes i use sunflower oil all the time. like you say, margarine tends to split especially if you use vinegar (to help the bicarbonate of soda react.) in teas i’ve never had problems with soya milks, apart from very rare occasions but i suppose that was due to the quality of it.. i know for a fact that you can’t help the splitting in coffee for some reason, but i don’t drink coffee so i wouldn’t know..
        as for egg replacers, it depends on what you’re making. you don’t really need to replace them with anything in most recipes. but bananas work well, cornflour, silken tofu or even apple sauce. but some will impart too strong a flavour to the cake you’re making if you’re not careful. generally i just do 1/2 tsp of baking powder and bicarbonate of soda and 1 teaspoon of apple vinegar added to the soya milk. it’s worked well so far!
        i use bananas in apple cakes or tofu if i’m making pumpkin pie in autumn..
        hope this helps, alessio 🙂

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